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ADDRESS CHANGE:  Please be advised that the Illinois Prisoner Review Board's mailing address has been changed to the following:  Prisoner Review Board, 1001 North Walnut Street, Springfield, Illinois  62702.

Attorney Info

When representing a person in custody for a hearing before the Illinois Prisoner Review Board or assigned Board Hearing Officer, an Entry of Appearance form must be submitted to our office.  ​


*To submit a form for an incarcerated person serving a determinate sentence, submit the form to: or fax to 217-524-0012 Attention Operations Office Administrator.  

**For indeterminately sentenced indviduals, entry of Appearance forms may be submitted to: or via fax at 217-524-0012 Attention Indeterminate Clerk

Either form may also be mailed to our office at:

Illinois Prisoner Review Board
1001 North Walnut Street
Springfield, IL 62702

***For representation of an indeterminately sentenced indvidual in custody only, a copy of the appe​arance form must also to be sent to the State's Attorney of the county in which the offense was committed.


*For Cook County send to the attention of:

Cook County State's Attorneys Office
2650 S. California Suite  11C50
Chicago, Illinois 60608
Attn: Victim Services

NOTE: Requesting to attend a PROTEST hearing in an indeterminate case is only a request to attend the Public Official portion of the hearing.  If there is no Public Official testimony, you will not receive notifcation to attend.