Operations And Hearing Information
The Operations staff of the Illinois Prisoner Review Board is responsible for the preparation of cases to be reviewed by the Board. These cases include Indeterminate parole and Determinate violation hearings, Mandatory Supervised Release conditions, Statutory Parole conditions and Revocation of Good Conduct Credit time taken by the Illinois Department of Corrections according to Illinois Compiled statutes and policies and procedures set in place by the Chairman of the Board.
The Board is currently conducting hearings via video. Institution liaisons prepare monthly hearing dockets for every IDOC facility. The dockets are governed by a cut-off and final docket date to allow time for file preparation. This staff is also responsible for answering questions regarding hearings set for the docket. They are the liaison between IDOC and anyone wishing to speak to the Board on behalf or in protest of a hearing on the facility's docket.
Monthly Board Calendar - January 2025